
The primary objective of chiropractic care is find and reduce the underlying cause of your headache. In the last decade of my practice, there have only been a handful of patients that I have not been able to help with headaches and migraines, often times completely ending them within a short treatment program.

Remember: Headaches are common, but they’re not normal.

Drug Culture

Pain relievers of various types are the most common approach to headaches. In our practice we take a more natural approach. Our objective is to find and reduce the underlying cause of a headache.

Hidden Cause

A common cause of headaches is from spinal bones in the neck that aren’t supporting the head properly. You might not notice your reduced ability to turn your head. But these vertebral subluxations affect nerves, muscles and even the blood supply to your head.

Our thorough examination detects vertebral subluxation patterns that could be causing your headaches. If vertebral subluxations are present, you’re likely to benefit from chiropractic care.

Compensation Reaction

Some are surprised to learn that their headaches are being caused by problems in their lower back! The upper spine compensates, shifting the head off center, causing headaches.

While we can’t guarantee results we have a high success rate with patients who get headaches. Give us a call. Let’s sit down and discuss your unique situation.